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51st European Congress on Ecological Mutagenesis and Genotoxicology in Spain
As part of NATO project No. 5684 ‘Novel triage biological and physical techniques in radiological emergencies’, staff members of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology: a head of the biodosimetric research laboratory, L.B. Kenzhina, Ph.D in Medicine, and a leading laboratory specialist, D.B. Biyakhmetova participated in the 51st Congress of the European Society for Ecological Mutagenisis and Genomics (EEMGS2023) May 15 through 18, 2023 in Malaga c., Spain.
This congress was held under the slogan ‘Comeback to the sunny coast of genotoxicology: an immersion into novel developments and applications’. The scientific program of the Congress was dedicated to recent discoveries and current progress in the field of mutagenisis, ecological genomics particularly focusing on applied and regulatory testing of genotoxicity. Biodosimetric laboratory staff members attended a satellite workshop ‘A quantitative interpretation of data on the dose-response genetic toxicity for risk assessment and decision-making in the field of regulation’.
Information sharing and raising awareness in the general public and professional community about the Project’s activity using different communication tools meet the program mission ‘Science for peace and safety’, strengthen cooperation and an open dialogue between NATO and partner countries through civil science and innovations.