Posted: 28.02.2019
On February 28, the 30th anniversary of “Nevada-Semey” antinuclear movement was observed. To commemorate this historical event, the Memorial Day “30 zhyl unsizdik. 30 years of calm” took place in the regional children and youth library. At this event a lot was said about the main reason why this movement began, i.e. about the Semipalatinsk […]
Posted: 05.11.2019
On October 28, 2019, as part of the program of a stay, UN representatives from Ireland visited the Museum of Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS). Guests familiarized themselves with the history of how the test site was set up and developed, features of nuclear tests conducted and the current radiological situation in the STS territory.
Posted: 05.11.2019
During the tour, pupils learnt a lot of interesting things about the history of their city. nuclear tests and consequences thereof, life ad activities of an outstanding experimental physicist I. Kurchatov.
Posted: 03.05.2023
As part of the training of national technical experts, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) held the 25th Regional Introductory On-Site Inspection Course (RIC-25) April 24 through 30, 2023 in the vicinity of Bratislava c. in Slovakia. On behalf of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a chief of the radiation research […]
Posted: 06.12.2017
Between November 30 and December 1, 2017 a youth round-table discussion “Current problems in radiobiology and radioecology” was held within the framework of XLVI international radioecology readings dedicated to incumbent member of the Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VASHNIL) V.M. Klechkovsky in Obninsk city, RF, in the federal state budgetary scientific institution “All-Russian Scientific […]
Posted: 09.02.2021
Under the IAEA Technical Cooperation Project KAZ9014 ‘Scientific and technical support of activities on the release of land of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site to economic use, the branch IRSE RSE NNC RK has received an oxygen combustion vessel 1121 manufactured by Parr Instrument. This February an online workshop on the adjustment and a test […]
Posted: 06.12.2022
On December 2, 2022, the annual XVIII youth workshop ‘Nuclear capacity of Kazakhstan’ was held in Astana c. arranged by the association the ‘Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan’. 6 focus areas were discussed at the workshop: staff training in the field of nuclear industry; radioecology and geophysics issues; the development of uranium mining industry; the operation […]
Posted: 04.10.2022
September 26 through 30, 2022 IV scientific forum ‘Nuclear Science and Technologies’ was held at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty c. The forum was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of INP ME of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This scientific event was attended by 10 […]
Posted: 24.08.2017
The branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” RSE NNC RK has been a member of the international association called “European Radioecology Alliance Association”. The Alliance activity is related to radioecological research, education, public enlightenment, knowledge management, provision of information properly exchanged with respective organizations in Alliance countries as well as with EU institutions and […]